Saturday, April 23, 2016

5 important things to know before choosing that new tattoo.

Permanent Schmermanent!

Think of this as a pre-nup agreement for your new tattoo. Sure, you want to love it forever, but what if...?
Here are 5 important things to think about when planning your next tattoo, just in case things between you and it get a little rocky.

We're not even going to talk about tattooing the name of your future ex on your body, because that one's pretty obvious, isn't it?

The focus here is removability. Safety and other considerations are for a different list.
1. Try to stick with black, blue, and green mineral pigments. They're fastest to remove. White can turn dark when lasered, just so you know, requiring more treatments.

And steer clear of plastic dye-based inks. Those can't be lasered at all. Usually those are the bizarre and awesome new colors, which is a bummer.

2. Always keep it close to your heart--literally! Did you know that the farther from your heart a tattoo is, the longer it takes to remove? That's because your lymphatic system (the one they were too scared to teach in school because it's a little complicated) is less efficient the farther south you go, and that's the system most responsible for carting away the old ink. Blood circulation is a lot more sluggish down there, too. In summary: Shoulder yes, ankle not so much.

3. Whoa, cowboy/girl! The thicker and denser the pigment, the more times you'll be marching back to TattooMedics. Go easy on the amount of ink. Just enough to make it look good. Fine linework and shading are the first to vanish, so more of those!

4. Less is more. If you end up hating a little tattoo, it's a little problem. What about a big tattoo? See what we're getting at? 
5. If you're covering up an old tattoo, think "twice." That is, you'll be left with twice the ink! Consider lightening it up at TattooMedics before covering it. The cover-up will look better, and a possible future removal will be a heck of a lot easier.

Now get out there and love that smart, new tattoo!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Front View: Our Receptionist Liz on Temporary Body Art.

People often spend lots of time trying to find the perfect tattoo artist, but they don't spend the time finding the right place to REMOVE tattoos. Getting a tattoo removed is just as big a deal as getting one put onto your body.
There are many things usually taken into consideration when choosing the right tattoo artist: experience, talent, and knowledge. If I decide to put art on my body, I'm going to do my research, ask friends, get recommendations, etc. to find that perfect artist to help in creating the artwork I would be totally me. When people love their tattoo artist, they tell the world. They recommend them to anyone and everyone looking for a tattoo because they have confidence in their artist. So, with tattoo removal on the rise, why do you never hear of anyone having their own tattoo remover? Why don't we ask the same questions in our search for the perfect remover?

If I love tattoos so much, why would I want any removed, anyway? If I believe it to be an art form, why would I support removal of it? Well, to me, there are many reasons.

I had given myself a tattoo 12 years ago. The meaning behind it was deep and personal to me, but as I grew older, I realized the tattoo itself really wasn't giving the purpose behind it any justice. Though I loved what it meant, and went through a lot of pain to receive it (sewing needle and India ink), if I still wanted to show my love for it, and love it again, something had to change. Being on my ankle, it wasn't a location that was visible to most; but to me, that's all I saw. If it WAS seen, it was always me explaining the same old story, explaining what it was, that I gave it to myself, and basically giving excuses as to why it was still there. 

Something I was once so proud to have given myself and that meant so much to me had become an embarrassing story of someone that just wasn't me anymore. Getting a cover-up seemed like a good idea, but maybe I didn't want it on my ankle at all. Maybe I wanted the design and location to be somewhere else entirely.

Because I had no good answer to these questions, I slipped into a habit of just hiding it.
Through a series of events, I became the receptionist at TattooMedics. How cool--an edgy, modern tattoo removal/medical office. I began learning more about laser tattoo removal. I didn't realize there are different types of lasers used and that training to use one is not required in most states. In fact, only 2 states (North Carolina and Texas) actually require a license and state test to use a laser. Really? Not only that, but if you DO decide to attend laser training courses, they're usually for only 2 weeks or so. Not here. Dr. Rosol is a licensed physician who performs all the treatments here with a PicoSure laser.  That means you're receiving the best treatment, by the best laser, from an actual doctor.

When I started working here at TattooMedics, the thought of removing my unwanted ankle tattoo came to mind. Thinking of how great it would be to not see it every time my ankle would show, or worry about trying to cover it (with makeup, clothes, or even another tattoo), or have to explain what it is and why.  It would just be gone.
Two months later, and I can now say that I not only have a tattoo artist, but I also have a tattoo doctor. That's right, not just a technician who (hopefully) took a training course, but a medical doctor. Using not just a laser, but the best laser. TattooMedics is not just about removing tattoos, its about loving the skin you're in, loving your canvas, and removing what just isn't you anymore. 

Knowing what I know now, there's no way I would trust a procedure like this to just anyone, with just any laser, at just any place. TattooMedics' slogan says it all: Love your canvas. And thanks to Dr. Rosol, I'm doing just that.

                                                                                                                                    -- Liz Thibault

Want to see me get my tattoo removed?

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Tattoo Removal Advances to 6,000 Years Ago, and TattooMedics Leads the Charge!

We are proud to welcome Dr. Sanjay Patel, formerly of ElectroChakra Therapy, of Mumbai, India.

“I think Dr. Patel will take us exciting, new directions,” said Dr. Richard Rosol, founder and CEO of TattooMedics, Inc, (NYSE: TMI) in Providence, Rhode Island.

Dr. Patel is a pioneer in the relatively new field of Complementary and Alternative Tattoo Subtraction (CATS). In his innovative method, he bends and “short-circuits” the body's natural energy fields to remove tattoos quickly, painlessly, holistically, and from completely within.

“Some form of this has been in use for over 6,255 years, though I'll admit not exactly applied to tattoos,” conceded Dr. Patel in a recent press conference given on the tarmac of T. F. Green Airport, on his arrival from India. “Back in my country I saw some very impressive results removing moles and freckles using The Chakratic Method.”

“So why not tattoos? I thought,” added Patel with a laugh.

This “technology,” as Patel puts it while directing a wry wink at his Western medical colleague, is not without limitations. For example, chakras are unpredictable and oft-times squirrelly, making his treatment difficult to focus on just one tattoo. Dr. Patel is quick to frame this as an asset, stressing that The Chakratic Method is perfect for people who want to remove all their tattoos at once—along with their moles, freckles, and even dental cavities.

"My therapy is so powerful," boasted Dr. Patel, "Henna tattoos usually go away themselves in the three weeks it takes to get an appointment with me."

When asked where the tattoos go, Dr. Patel explained, "I have no idea."

“Some might think this unorthodox approach is a bit at odds with TattooMedics' well-known evidence-based practices,” Rosol was quick to assert. “That's why Dr. Patel will head our new, wholly-owned subsidiary, TattooVedics."

Seven new TattooVedics locations are planned to launch in 2016.

“We will probably stop at seven,” chuckled Patel.