Tattoos are pieces of art we often use to portray significant times, people, or things in our lives. Some tattoos are done purely for art's sake and broadcast our tastes and aesthetics. But what we perceive as significant or beautiful can change, the same way other likes or dislikes shift with no apparent notice. Not a fan of the text under your portrait tattoo? Wish you could just erase those blue flowers that are clashing with the rest of your tattoos? Are your Roman numerals just plain wrong?
Things don't always go as planned, but don't worry! There's more to laser tattoo removal than just erasing tattoos! We quite commonly edit errors, misspellings, or anything unwanted. So you can keep what you love and remove what you don't. Laser tattoo removal also gives much more artistic freedom to cover-ups. They don't have to be bigger, darker, or limited to certain characteristics anymore.
As a tattoo collector, I see myself as a constant work in progress. As I grow and change, it's okay for my appearance and body artwork to change as well. Tattoo removal is not “anti-tattoo,” but the eraser to your ever changing self. No wonder it's gaining popularity among collectors!